AHEARTFUL OF GAMES (AHEARTFUL) is an independent game studio based in Madrid, Spain. Since our Kickstarter debut on 14th of February, we've strived to make compelling and innovative games.
Heart&Slash was our first project, and stood out for its unique visual style and virtually endless replayability, making it an engaging couch brawler experience. Founded in humble beginnings, H&S's development was entirely remote and lasted over 18 months, all the while maintaining an active Early Access campaign. Heart&Slash was released on Steam, Xbox One and PS4 in 2016. The Nintendo Switch release came out during Christmas 2018.
At the end of 2015, while H&S's development was ramping down, AHEARTFUL collaborated with Kaia Studios with their debut title Dynasty Feud a 2D fast-paced 4-player brawler centered on one-hit-kill as a core mechanic. In a match of Dynasty Feud, players control all the family members of warrior dynasties, replacing each other after each death. Dynasty Feud earned multiple honors and awards fot its engaging gameplay and support for online play.
In 2017, we began the pre-production of IRONSKINS, for which so far, AHEARTFUL has received both the CREATIVE MEDIA and RED.ES grants. IRONSKINS is still in development today and is scheduled to release in 2020.